An Indepth Guide – OS Runescape Green Dragons (2024)
Introduction to Green Dragons
Green dragons – the easiest dragon to slay in all of Runescape. Green Dragons can be found mostly in the Wilderness. Outside of the Wilderness, they are found in the Corsair Cove Dungeon, a cave system underneath south of Feldip Hills.

They have 100 hit-points, and are aggressive. Their max melee hit is 8, and 50 for their dragonfire attack. Their attack speed is 6, and hit at an interval of 2.4 seconds.
Their weaknesses are stab and ranged attacks (also when a player uses a Dragonbane weapon, either the Dragon hunter crossbow or a Dragon hunter lance).
The combat level of Green dragons are either 79 or 88.

Updated 2024 Guide for hunting green dragons
Green Dragons Slayer Guide
Green dragons are assigned as Slayer tasks, and require Slayer Level 1 to kill. They give 100 Slayer XP per kill.
You get Green dragons as an assignment from Slayer Masters Krystilia (Edgeville Jail), Vannaka (Edgeville Dungeon) and Chaeldar (Zanaris Throne Room).
Read on to find out the fastest way to get to and kill Green dragons.
How to get to Green dragons
Green dragons are found at either the Wilderness, or at the Corsair Cove Dungeon.
To access Green Dragons at the Corsair Cove Dungeon, players would need to complete the Dragon Slayer II quest.

Enter the western side of the dungeon, known as the Myths’ Guild basement. You can do so via the Mythic Status at the centre of the guild, or by going through the batteries guarded by Ponts the Bridgemaster – located west of the ogresses.
There, you can find 2 Green dragons, and 1 baby Green dragon.
The more popular and more accessible spot would be the Wilderness.
Most players would pick the Wilderness as a popular spot for training on Green dragons. This is because it is easier to get to and from a bank.
These Green dragon hunting spots are:

- Between Level 12 and 14 Wilderness: West of the Dark Warrior’s Fortress
- Between Level 20 and 24 Wilderness: South of Venenatis
- Between Level 24 and 26 Wilderness: North of the Graveyard of Shadows
- Between Level 35 and 37 Wilderness: South of the Lava Maze
- Revenant Caves: Entrance at Level 17 Wilderness and Level 40 Wilderness.

But keep in mind that as it is the Wilderness, you run the risk of getting Player-Killed. So prepare an escape mechanism, and sufficient food and potions to fend them off.
Green Dragon Hunting Equipment Guide
Gearing up to hunt Green dragons doesn’t have to take any additional effort on your part – most melee equipment and armor work well.
However, note that you always need a dragonfire protection. And the only essential equipment you’ll need is a dragonfire protection shield.
The Essential – A Dragonfire Shield
There are a few shield options to choose from.
Cheapest: Anti-dragon Shield
The cheapest dragonfire protection would be the Anti-dragon shield. You can get this by speaking with Duke Horacio in Lumbridge Castle during the Dragon Slayer quest. If you need it replaced, simply speak with him again to get it for free.

Expensive: Dragonfire Shield/Ward
If you have gold pieces to spare, you can opt to go for the upgraded variant of the Anti-dragon shield. Either the Dragonfire Shield (Melee) or the Dragonfire Ward (Ranged). Both occupy the shield slot of your character.
Dragonfire Shield (Melee) – Provides additional defence bonuses as compared to the Anti-dragon Shield.

Dragonfire Ward (Ranged) – Provides additional defence bonuses as compared to the Dragonfire Shield, with an additional +15 for your ranged attacks. Overall, the stat bonuses from the Dragonfire Ward is higher than the Dragonfire Shield. This shield is also a good pick up if you’re opting to use Ranged as your attack style against the Green dragons.

Dragonfire Charges
Both the Dragonfire Shield and Dragonfire Ward absorb the dragonfire attacks of all dragons. And while doing so, it accumulates charges.

Each dragonfire breath it absorbs grants the shield 1 charge. And each charge increases the Melee and Ranged defensive bonuses of the shield by +1. The maximum is +50 to Melee and Ranged defenses. This is an additional bonus that stacks on top of the base stats of the shield.
During combat, you can utilise 1 Dragonfire charge from the shield to unleash a blast of dragonfire at 1 target. This deals around 25 damage. There is a cooldown of around 2 minutes for this attack method.
Recommended Weapon – Dragonbane
Dragonbane weapons are a special type of weapons that deal higher damage to draconic creatures – and this includes the Green dragons.
There are 2 types of Dragonbane weapons available – the Dragon hunter crossbow, and the Dragon hunter lance.

Dragon Hunter Crossbow
To equip the Dragon hunter crossbow, your character needs at least level 65 Ranged. Utilising it to fight against draconic creatures grants the player an increase of 30% in accuracy and damage.
Bolts are the ammunition used by crossbows, and the Dragon hunter crossbow is no different. You may use all types of bolts except the Long kebbit and kebbit bolts.

How to get the Dragon Hunter Crossbow
You can obtain this weapon as a reward from the Chambers of Xeric, after slaying the Great Olm. As it is tradeable, you can also purchase it off the Grand Exchange – albeit at a hefy cost of around 90 million gold pieces (price is accurate as of 7 November 2020).

Dragon Hunter Lance
The other Dragonbane weapon is the Dragon hunter lance – a melee weapon that similarly grants the player an increase of 20% in damage and accuracy towards draconic creatures.
To equip the lance, your character needs at least level 70 Attack, along with completing the firemaking, fishing and smithing sections of Barbarian Training & the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest.

How to get the Dragon Hunter Lance
You can either create this lance yourself, or purchase it off the Grand Exchange for around 72 million gold pieces (price is accurate as of 7 November 2020).
To create the Dragon hunter lance, use a hydra claw (obtained from slaying the Alchemical Hydra boss found in the lower level of the Karuulm Slayer Dungeon in Mount Karuulm, level 95 Slayer level required) on a Zamorakian hasta.

The Zamorakian hasta is made by bringing a Zamorakian spear (a drop from K’ril Tsutsaroth in the God Wars Dungeon), speaking with Otto Godblessed and paying him 300,000 gold pieces.
Green Dragons Drop Table
100% Drop Rate
Item Name | Quantity | Rarity |
Dragon bones | 1 | Always |
Green dragonhide | 1 | Always |
Item Name | Quantity | Rarity |
Steel battleaxe | 1 | Common |
Steel platelegs | 1 | Common |
Mithril axe | 1 | Uncommon |
Mithril spear | 1 | Uncommon |
Mithril kiteshield | 1 | Uncommon |
Adamant full helm | 1 | Uncommon |
Rune dagger | 1 | Uncommon |
Item Name | Quantity | Rarity |
Grimy irit leaf | 1 | Common |
Grimy harranlander | 1 | Common |
Grimy avantoe | 1 | Uncommon |
Grimy cadantine | 1 | Uncommon |
Grimy marrentill | 1 | Uncommon |
Grimy tarromin | 1 | Uncommon |
Grimy ranarr weed | 1 | Uncommon |
Grimy kwuarm | 1 | Uncommon |
Grimy lantadyme | 1 | Uncommon |
Grimy dwarf weed | 1 | Uncommon |
Gem Drops
Item Name | Quantity | Rarity |
Uncut sapphire | 1 | Rare |
Uncut emerald | 1 | Rare |
Uncut ruby | 1 | Rare |
Nature talisman | 1 | Very rare |
Uncut diamond | 1 | Very rare |
Rune javelin | 5 | Very rare |
Loop half of key | 1 | Very rare |
Tooth half of key | 1 | Very rare |
Rune spear | 1 | Very rare |
Shield left half | 1 | Very rare |
Dragon spear | 1 | Very rare |
Other Misc. Drops
Item Name | Quantity | Rarity |
Coins | 105-734 | Common |
Monkfish | 1 | Uncommon |
Mithril ore | 2 (noted) | Uncommon |
Law rune | 9 | Uncommon |
Death rune | 15 | Uncommon |
Blood rune | 5 | Uncommon |
Nature rune | 10 | Uncommon |
Looting bag | 1 | Uncommon |
Ensouled dragon head | 1 | Uncommon |
Mysterious emblem | 1 | Rare |
Slayer’s enchantment | 1 | Rare |
Clue scroll (hard) | 1 | Rare |
OSRS Money Making Guide: Hunting Green dragons
This money making method in OSRS involves you hunting Green dragons in the wilderness. Note that there is some player-kill risk involved.

Depending on your equipment and combat level, this method easily nets you a profit of 330,000 to 1,000,000 gold pieces per hour. Your actual profits may be higher or lower depending on your speed and luck.
You will need to input around 20,000 to 100,000 gold pieces worth of consumables.
Ie. Burning amulet(5), Extended antifire(4), Super combat potions, Prayer potions and some food.
How to get to the Green dragons
- Use your Burning Amulet to teleport to the Bandit Camp at Level 17 Wilderness.
- Run South-West, and you will find the Green dragons roaming about there. They are located at level 12 to 13 of the Wilderness.

This method utilises the Green dragon crater at the lower level Wilderness (Level 12). This is because you will be able to go back after you die and pick up your untradeables if you get pk-ed.
Killing the Green Dragons at a higher level Wilderness (albeit with more of them around) will cause you to lose your untradeables if you get pk-ed and die. They will turn into coins and be picked up by your killers.
Steps for Money Making with Green dragons
- Kill the Green dragons using your preferred method of hunting – either melee or ranged.
- Pick up only the more valuable loot – Dragon bones, Green Dragonhide (and of course the gold pieces).
- Pick up other drops only if they are worth more than the Green Dragonhide. These would be the Rune Daggers, Nature Runes, Ranarr Weeds & Kwarms, some gems. Not forgetting the Ensouled dragon head, and Hard Clue Scrolls (1 in 128 drop/64 with Ring of Wealth).
- The key here is to maximise the space in your limited inventory.
- When your inventory is filled, use the Max cape (or your preferred means of teleportation) to teleport back to your bank. Choose the one at Warrior’s Guild, Crafting Guild or the Fishing Guild.
- Empty your loot from your inventory and your loot bag.
- Top up on your food, super combat potions, prayer potions and anti-fire potions.
- Use your Burning Amulet to teleport back to the Bandit Camp and run straight to the Green Dragons area.
- Rinse and repeat till you run out of potions or food to continue.

What equipment to use
To get a higher profit rate, here’s the set of equipment that we recommend you use:
Recommended Equipment setup
- Proselyte Armour (For Prayer Bonus – Protected Items upon death are Dragon Hunter Lance & Dragon Fire Shield)
- Weapon: Dragon Hunter Lance (Increases accuracy & damage by 20% when fighting dragons)
- Dragon Fire Shield
- Amulet of Torture, Berserker Ring
- Dragon boots
- Fire Cape
- Barrow’s Gloves
- Helmet of Neitiznot (Replaceable at 50,000 coins from Mawnis Burowgar)
- Rada’s Blessing 4 (For Prayer bonus)

Recommended Inventory setup
- Looting Bag
- Max Cape (For teleports). Alternatives to this would be a Strength, Crafting or Fishing Cape or any other teleport methods of your choice. Do keep in mind that all teleports will work below Wilderness Level 20.
- Divine Super Combat Potion
- Prayer Potions
- Extended AntiFire
- Burning Amulet (For ease of teleporting to dragons in Wilderness)
- Some food

If you lack the funds to go with the recommended set up, you may refer to the budget set up:
Budget Equipment Setup
- Adamant Helmet
- Amulet of Glory (4)
- Black Dragonhide Top
- Black Dragonhide Bottom
- Climbing Boots
- Rune Gloves
- Dragon Scimitar/Abyssal Whip/Dragon LongSword
- Ring of Dueling
- Anti Dragonfire Shield

Budget Inventory setup
- Combat Potion
- Antifire Potion
- Teleport Tablet
- Looting Bag
- Some Food
Steps to maximizing your gold/min at Green dragons
- Increase your Green dragon kills per hour by picking up the drops in rotation. As it takes a couple of seconds for the dragon’s drops to appear, you should not wait – but instead, move on to kill the next dragon.
- It is recommended that you pick up your drops only after coming back to the same spot.
- Consider turning on auto-retaliate to save time on the extra clicks.
- Completing the Elite Wilderness Diary will also allow you to automatically turn all dragon bones from your Green dragon kills in the Wilderness into notes. This allows you to extend the time you spend with the Green dragons as you will use only 1 slot for the dragon bones.
- Equip an Amulet of Avarice while slaying Green dragons – this will automatically note all the drops you get from the Green dragons.

How to Evade the Player-Killers in the Wilderness
As this method involves being in the Wilderness, there is always a likelihood that a group of player-killers may chance upon you and decide to hunt you down.
If this happens, it is always recommended to immediately teleport away to a safe location of your choice. You would not want to engage as you risk getting skulled, and dying while skulled means you lose your progress and your entire equipment set.
If a Tele Block spell (Magic Level 85) is cast upon you, do not panic. From your Green dragon crater, run South to the Dark Wizards. As the Dark Wizards are aggressive, there is a high chance that they will attack the PKers.
While they are distracted, either kite them till the 5 minutes of Tele Block is up, or continue running South till you are out from the Wilderness.